
We have added a new website to our collection This site will contain all the information we have about the models who’s content we use in our games.

There will be two types of model we will use in our games.

Web Models

A Web model is a model who’s content (Photos and Videos) we have taken from the internet. These are models that we have not worked with directly.

We will include as much information about the model as we can. where possible we will link to sites that they have worked with. If the model has a personal page we will link to that.

Exclusive Models

These are models who we have directly worked with. Again we will include as much information as we can under agreement with the model in question. Information we would like to include is:

  • Interview with the model
  • Models Content
  • Models contact details.
  • Socials and Portfolios.

Working With Us

If you would like to work with us on any of our games, we have contact forms here for models. If you want to join the team and actually program, story write, Artwork etc…. Then we have a form for that on our main website

Thanks for reading we hope you enjoy our games and look forward to creating adventures for you
